The candidate will have a record of successful nursing experience in acute medical, surgical services and the supervision, direction or management of such services. Requirements of the position are as follows:
The Nursing Director (ND) is responsible for all aspects of nursing services, policies and procedures for SEIMC.
The ND will assume responsibility for recruiting, hiring and training of all nursing personnel in both the outpatient and inpatient service areas.
The ND will be familiar with current skills in nursing and effectively communicate such skills to all nursing personnel.
The ND will maintain all nursing services within the local and central regulations as they relate to medical services within a joint venture hospital
The ND will actively participate in the development of, and implement the organizational budget as it relates to nursing care.
The ND will formulate standards of nursing procedures, and establish administrative and operational policies on an ongoing basis.
The ND will oversee quality control measures and procedure within the scope of nursing care and services.
At least fifteen years working experience in nursing, with five years in nursing management.
Excellent in oral and written English, native speaker preferred.
Tel:400 6288 366